waves breaking on the beach


The pandemic was a difficult time. My already haphazard exercise routine turned non-existant. I'd tried yoga before: an in-person class at a hostel in New Zealand and a few online classes on YouTube. But my practice only took off once I found the right teacher. Yoga with Kassandra is my favourite channel.

Yoga is so versatile! You can take classes to build up strength, increase your flexibility or just relax. My favourite prop is a set of blocks. Best birthday present ever! I prefer Vinyasa Yoga. Yin is still difficult for me.

I start every day with a 10min practice and it has made all the difference. I now exercise 90min six days a week. Not just Yoga, but once I moved my body again, it was easy to keep going.

bright yellow background with an orange tree growing in the middle

I practice:

  • breathing
  • being present in my body
  • meditation
  • the joy of exercise
  • letting go
colourful spots fill the outline of a tree in front of a dark blue sky

I learned:

  • how to tense up/relax specific muscles
  • exercise is fun and once it's a habit, my body and my mind crave it
  • a little bit of yoga goes a long way. I started with 10min practices a day!
  • setting intentions for the day helps me centre and focus
  • there are different kinds of yoga. Like with everything else, the right teacher makes all the difference.